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Kim Roberts


By Kim Roberts Oysters may look to us
like wet floppy tongues,

but there’s no licking.
There’s no touching.
D. Gilson

Being Called a Faggot While Walking the Road to Clemson, South Carolina

By D. Gilson The honeysuckle dew slick
& sweet this morning
& only an empty Wendy's cup
thrown to ditch
Joshua Weiner

Hikmet: Çankiri Prison, 1938

By Joshua Weiner Today is Sunday.
Today, for the first time, they let me go out into the sun.
And I stood there I didn't move,
struck for the first time, the very first time ever:
Jody Bolz

Black Site

By Jody Bolz First, take away light.

Leave time—but make it dark,
disordered. Make it sleepless.
Not day, not night.
Jennifer Chang

Dorothy Wordsworth

By Jennifer Chang The daffodils can go fuck themselves.
I’m tired of their crowds, yellow rantings
about the spastic sun that shines and shines
and shines. How are they any different
Elizabeth Acevedo

The Therapist Says to Talk Through Your Door in Case You’re Listening

By Elizabeth Acevedo Rob, my heart is a peeled clementine and I don't wince
anymore when you stick your thumb in the hollow middle,
pull apart. You don't even swallow these pieces
Venus Thrash

Abortion in the Garden of Eden

By Venus Thrash Deep in the heart of the Garden of Eden,
past the Euphrates & Tigris riverbanks,
the marsh grass, reed beds, bulrushes,
Sheila Black

My Mission is to Surprise and Delight

By Sheila Black Sheila Black reads "My Mission is to Surprise & Delight" at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.

My daughter works in the Apple Store--the Help Center, open 24-7,
people from all fifty states, angry because their iPhones
malfunctioned or they don't know how to program their data
celeste doaks

Single Twin Band Crush

By celeste doaks Aaron and Anita, the first real twins I ever personally knew,
drum majored our ragged band in high school called--
the Marching LaSalle Lions. Anita was the outgoing,
Lauren May and Asha Gardner


By Lauren May & Asha Gardner This poem is in video format.
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