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By Sheila Black
Sheila Black reads "My Mission is to Surprise & Delight" at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
My daughter works in the Apple Store--the Help Center, open 24-7,
people from all fifty states, angry because their iPhones
malfunctioned or they don't know how to program their data
By Natalie Diaz
In the Kashmir mountains,
my brother shot many men,
blew skulls from brown skins,
By Joseph Ross
Hammering on rocks
can break the hammerer's back
when stooped
By Lisa L. Moore
Word got out about the bad bill.
College students packed up their bikinis,
went back to Austin to tell those men why
By Ruth Forman
why so afraid to stand up?
someone will tell you
sit down?
By Samiya Bashir
Brother I don't either understand this
skipscrapple world that is--these
slick bubble cars zip feverish down
By Gowri Koneswaran
we're taught to hold hands
when we cross the street
or walk with our mothers in parking lots or
By Brian Fanelli
Every Sunday, I came dressed in punk rocker black,
checkered pants, steel-toed Docs.
No tie dye on me when I joined
By Heather Holliger
She and I, our silences,
hesitations--at the grocery store,
in the taxi, on the street.
By celeste doaks
Tell them it's always under attack. Tell them there's no cure
for the disease, or answer to the riddle. Tell them you asked many
before you, some who won, some who lost.