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Raye Hendrix

What Good Is Heaven

By Raye Hendrix when my mother dreamed of children she pictured
things in bowls beautiful fish gracing over

brightly colored stones clear water a bowl of her favorite
fruits ceramic overflowing pears and tangerines

blueberries fat with sweet
Jasmine Reid

Princess Powerpuff / Chemical X

By Jasmine Reid i spread at my touch & clit
contemplating my beauty this Monday i live

the pleasure of my fingers
how i am in-the-making by hand

by pill by needle i am the perfect girl
professor, in fact, Chemical X is my love

in gradients of acidity i am
milkless except by oats, by meal made of itself
Farrah Fang

Washateria Blues

By Farrah Fang In Houston they don’t really call it a laundromat
It’s a washateria or la lavandería
Today you go to the one on Airline and Tidwell

The chronic pain and weakness in your body
Makes it difficult to relocate canastos of clothes
From home to your car, to the washateria, to inside the machine
Miller Oberman


By Miller Oberman Preposition, before location. An indeclinable
word or particle. Indeclinable. That which
cannot be turned aside or shunned. Inevitable,
un-deviating. I practice a kind

of time travel. Bringing beside me
ancestors I never knew existed before,
beneath, under, towards. This travel
unimpacted by time, space or death.
féi hernandez


By féi hernandez Simultaneously I am
alone and crowded, this…
the pulsing wound of being extinct,

enough for a morning forage,
yet scant for the onlookers

of lineage,
of nation,
myths in the mulberry tree.
Robin Gow

Chasing Helicopters on the Way Home from a Bowl of Spaghetti

By Robin Gow Someone I love is turning into an asterisk
and so I am running and the vultures are
as hungry as they’ve ever been. The size of genders.
The size of fatherhoods.
Arumandhira Howard

Soft Black Girl Aesthetic

By Arumandhira Howard We are made shy / sun, kissing another heartless / night awake. We are made satin silking / pompon locs. Cotton, banana pudding, baby’s / breath. These cornbread thighs, our blessed butterfly / knives. We are made to de-stem hardened men like bull-headed / bougainvillea.
Tonee Mae Moll

Burning Haibun as Portrait: 9 months on HRT, Georgia on MS Word

By Tonee Mae Moll The font, not the nation, nor the southern state where lawmakers are folding the idea of the monster of my body into votes from folks whose homes they know are marked for flooding. I suppose I mean typeface—I’m supposed to remember the difference— like all exquisite things, we’ve got this etymology that feels apocryphal anyway. Anyway, let’s suppose I am a transitional shape.


By Chrysanthemum Scheduling a follow-up with my PCP, I prepare
for disaster. Inevitable as flood, I hush a moniker
kept in confidence, wager my informed consent

for a Hancock granting passage. Gates are flimsy
metaphors. It’s more of a worn-down levee, dike
ready to burst without notice.
Steve Bellin-Oka

Packing the Kitchen Utensils

By Steve Bellin-Oka How many years since we used
the potato masher, the apple peeler,
its stainless-steel blade and crank
tucked in the back of the bottom
kitchen drawer among the balled
clot of discarded rubber bands?
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