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José Angel Araguz

Every S In This Poem is Telling On Me

By José Angel Araguz I knew nothing about poems
when I was introduced to
the woman selling seashells by
the seashore. Placed in a
remedial speech class, told
my S’s served no one,
I felt set aside in
the silence of clear hallways

where I walked slow, savoring
not being where I belonged.
Taylor Alyson Lewis

milk river

By Taylor Alyson Lewis there once was an island love or magic resurrected
where they could go to rest and look at
each other plainly and hold one another’s
hands and play music in their cars so that
the bass reverberated through the mountains
and down into the ocean and live.
Dorsía Smith Silva

Puerto Rico as Non-Erasure

By Dorsía Smith Silva Survival occupies us with our blank shopping carts
next to blank shelves. We grow desperate because spaces
are blank. A hurricane that leaves a bitter taste
as stores carry bare wrappers and blank sympathy.
Tanaya Winder

when we banish tongues

By Tanaya Winder i.
we've entered a New World
Order on words, days
of economic deprivation
where only one percent thrives.
time is dictated by greediness
and fear, days when books
are banned by the belief
Farrah Fang

Washateria Blues

By Farrah Fang In Houston they don’t really call it a laundromat
It’s a washateria or la lavandería
Today you go to the one on Airline and Tidwell

The chronic pain and weakness in your body
Makes it difficult to relocate canastos of clothes
From home to your car, to the washateria, to inside the machine
Ladan Osman


By Ladan Osman I enter: carpet, curtains,
large, framed pictures of robed white men,
a glassy glare over a forehead, below the voice box,
students in bland shades.
I don’t belong, the luxury of thinking,
the wealth of talking about thought,
privilege of ease among important people.
Jaden Fields

Just Is - Where There Are Black People in the Future

By Jaden Fields It is the steadiest “I love you”
Until the moon loses their footing in the sky
Which is to say - never
I love you beyond time
I love me beyond time
féi hernandez


By féi hernandez Simultaneously I am
alone and crowded, this…
the pulsing wound of being extinct,

enough for a morning forage,
yet scant for the onlookers

of lineage,
of nation,
myths in the mulberry tree.
Paul Hlava Ceballos

To the Moreno Valley Cop who Pointed a Gun at Me

By Paul Hlava Ceballos Say it to me again, I dare you,
any small word, slipped through a sidearm’s
sight—I am not a child anymore.
Aliah Lavonne Tigh

Body Under Another’s Tradition

By Aliah Lavonne Tigh Everyone in Anatomy pairs up,
receives a small baby pig.
The scalpel shines like water or a mirror—if you look, you see
yourself: gloved hand pushing a blade to open
the other animal’s chest. Someone drops
a knife, shouts,
Clean it up. This is how we learn to
dissect a body.
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