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Vincent Toro

Nonstop from Fruitvale to Ursa Major: Threnody for Los Desaparecidos* of The United States

By Vincent Toro A lung lit like diesel
is not fable or fodder.

Is not sewage siphoned from stern
and starboard. Cuffs, not slapdash plums
plunge from your garden
Fatimah Asghar

Photo Albums

By Fatimah Asghar The names of my family members swirl
like dust in my lungs. I try to write about birds

& only pull from my pen animal skin.
My bones alive & a lament of dignified grief
Galway Kinnell

To the States, by Walt Whitman

By Galway Kinnell Galway Kinnell performs the poem "To the States" by Walt Whitman at the 2008 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Cornelius Eady

My Body Elizabeth

By Cornelius Eady Cornelius Eady performs the poem "My Body Elizabeth" at the 2010 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Cacayo Ballesteros

Any Given Name

By Cacayo Ballesteros Chapas is what cops are called
in my country
who threw the too tortured
in the lion pits
of the Military Academy zoo
Kathy Engel


By Kathy Engel Kathy Engel performs the poem "Inaugural" at the 2012 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Marilyn Nelson

Millie Christine

By Marilyn Nelson Marilyn Nelson performs the poem "Millie Christine" at the 2012 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Tim Seibles

One Turn Around the Sun

By Tim Seibles Tim Seibles performs "One Turn Around the Sun" at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Shailja Patel

The Cup Runneth Over

By Shailja Patel Shailja Patel performs "The Cup Runneth Over" at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Carolyn Forché

The Museum of Stones

By Carolyn Forché Carolyn Forché reads "The Museum of Stones" at the 2008 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.

These are your stones, assembled in matchbox and tin,
collected from roadside, culvert, and viaduct,
battlefield, threshing floor, basilica, abattoir–
stones, loosened by tanks in the streets
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