Pax Americana
By Don ShareJuly kindles the redneck in me.
I blaze down Interstates
that are viaducts for my beery nerves
Calling poets to a greater role in public life and fostering a national network of socially engaged poets.
By Don ShareJuly kindles the redneck in me.
I blaze down Interstates
that are viaducts for my beery nerves
By Patricia Davisabout his sister how she
to be light
built night in her ribs
By David Tomas MartinezIt's not water to wine to swallow harm,
though many of us have,
and changing the name
By Venus ThrashDeep in the heart of the Garden of Eden,
past the Euphrates & Tigris riverbanks,
the marsh grass, reed beds, bulrushes,
By Eduardo C. CorralAre the knees & elbows
the first knots
the dead untie?
By Natalie DiazIn the Kashmir mountains,
my brother shot many men,
blew skulls from brown skins,
By Truth ThomasShayna reads the Word and takes
the story of that first miracle as
serious as unpaid electric bills in
By Lisa L. MooreWord got out about the bad bill.
College students packed up their bikinis,
went back to Austin to tell those men why
By Jennifer PerrineUnder the surface of this winter lake,
I can still hear him say you're on thin ice
now, my heel grabbed, dragged into the opaque