from Thank You But Please Don’t Buy My Children Clothes with Monkeys On Them
By Douglas Kearney
Calling poets to a greater role in public life and fostering a national network of socially engaged poets.
By Chen ChenMy friend’s new neighbors in the suburbs
are planting a neat row of roses
between her house & theirs.
By Linda HoganWe had been together so very long,
you willing to swim with me
just last month, myself merely small
By Demetrice Anntía WorleyOn this eve of the dead, I cry out loud,
“por favor Virgen de Guadalupe, don’t
forsake me,” before I open the door,
before I see la policía flat
By Jan BeattyLateeka's working, my favorite teller--
she's got wild nail art & fire red/
feather extensions.
In line: young guy in hi-tops w/ipod,
By David Tomas MartinezIt's not water to wine to swallow harm,
though many of us have,
and changing the name
By Naomi AyalaTwo blocks away
where yellow cabs
zip by without stopping
By Jacob RakovanThe bones cast in the field like seed corn grow nothing,
grow briars in the boarded gas stations
brown stalks ready for the fire.
By Jericho BrownThey said to say goodnight
And not goodbye, unplugged
The TV when it rained. They hid