By Alan KingThe president of pride's been overthrown
by a coup.
The president of humility shakes his head.
Calling poets to a greater role in public life and fostering a national network of socially engaged poets.
By Dan WilcoxThe lunch counter TV is busy.
My sandwich is slow, but
sitting feels good after standing
By Rich Villarlacking a proper entrance
into a poem
about Arizona Senate Bill 1070
By Sami Mirandawe is not the singular
dotted i, black figure against
a white background.
By Joseph O. Legaspislides down into my body, soft
lambs wool, what everybody
in school is wearing, and for me
By Kazim AliI was whispered along the road at Ache
toward the sun-puddled gate
By Jose PaduaI give to you a portrait of America in trash.
I give it to you with love and respect, America:
mountains of beer cans crumpled, plastic figures
By Mark DotyBetween the bridge and the river
he falls through
a huge portion of night
By Jeff GundyA good day for late wildflowers--daisies and burrs
leaned out into the path for a better view, brilliant
blue somethings with tiny blooms on tall stalks.
By Gregory PardloUnfinished, the road turns off the fill
from the gulf coast, tracing the bay, to follow
the inland waterway.