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Joseph O. Legaspi

The Red Sweater

By Joseph O. Legaspi slides down into my body, soft
lambs wool, what everybody
in school is wearing, and for me
Kazim Ali

Road at Ache

By Kazim Ali I was whispered along the road at Ache
toward the sun-puddled gate
Jose Padua

A Portrait of America in Trash

By Jose Padua I give to you a portrait of America in trash.
I give it to you with love and respect, America:
mountains of beer cans crumpled, plastic figures
Patricia Monaghan

Knowing the Bomb So Well

By Patricia Monaghan After the nightly news and four martinis
he quietly begins to draw the inner workings
of the bomb, knowing the explosion needed
Patricia Spears Jones

Autumn, New York, 1999

By Patricia Spears Jones And I am full of worry I wrote to a friend
Worry, she replied about what—love, money, health?
All of them, I wrote back. It’s autumn, the air is clear
Yael Flusberg

Waiting Outside The US Capital Where She Lies In State, Eve Of All Souls

By Yael Flusberg after the first three hours
the temperature dropped to visible breath.
my fall coat no longer protected and my toes
Tiffany Higgins

Aeneas & the pilgrim child set out into the city

By Tiffany Higgins I shall build a city upon a hill
and upon a hill and upon a hill and upon a hill
I am a little shepherd piping low
JoAnne Growney

Mitigation of Toxins

By JoAnne Growney A stand of poplars is a self-assembling
solar-powered pump-and-treat
ground-water protection system.
Mark Doty

Charlie Howard’s Descent

By Mark Doty Between the bridge and the river
he falls through
a huge portion of night
Jeff Gundy

Day at the Pond Without Geese

By Jeff Gundy A good day for late wildflowers--daisies and burrs
leaned out into the path for a better view, brilliant
blue somethings with tiny blooms on tall stalks.
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