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By Abby Minor
1. [July 2013 Millheim, Pennsylvania]
This is how you miscarry on purpose, with pills:
this is how you eat a sack of tattered peonies.
With stippled petals in your mouth, this is how
you set the little sunset-
By Kim Roberts
Kim Roberts performs the poem "The International Fruit of Welcome" at the 2012 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
By Kim Roberts
Oysters may look to us
like wet floppy tongues,
but there’s no licking.
There’s no touching.
By Julie Enszer
The painters call before we move into the new house. Ma’am, they say—
I am not old enough to be a ma’am, but I don’t correct them—
Ma’am, they say, we smell gas.
I dismiss their concern. I say, Keep painting.
By Kendra DeColo
It is easy to believe
we are separate entities,
you and I
as I wait, a fish in the chasm
By Rachel M. Simon
the name altered from parent's choosing
the threshold of a home
white gloves on the windowsill
By Kim Roberts
O augury seeker,
know and be aware...
In the book of divination,
By Judith Arcana
You read the tiny cardboard book before
you scratch the strip under Augie's New Pizza
on the back of MIA:We still don't know
By Jane Seitel
I wake into yet another day of doubt
creeping in as ants through a warped doorjamb.
The morning news brings new atrocities
By Margit Berman
The day Obama decided enough was enough
and turned off his TV and slept well for the first time since 2007,
and Nancy Pelosi decided enough was enough