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Taylor Alyson Lewis

milk river

By Taylor Alyson Lewis there once was an island love or magic resurrected
where they could go to rest and look at
each other plainly and hold one another’s
hands and play music in their cars so that
the bass reverberated through the mountains
and down into the ocean and live.
Dorsía Smith Silva

Puerto Rico as Non-Erasure

By Dorsía Smith Silva Survival occupies us with our blank shopping carts
next to blank shelves. We grow desperate because spaces
are blank. A hurricane that leaves a bitter taste
as stores carry bare wrappers and blank sympathy.
Tanaya Winder

when we banish tongues

By Tanaya Winder i.
we've entered a New World
Order on words, days
of economic deprivation
where only one percent thrives.
time is dictated by greediness
and fear, days when books
are banned by the belief
Jasmine Reid

Princess Powerpuff / Chemical X

By Jasmine Reid i spread at my touch & clit
contemplating my beauty this Monday i live

the pleasure of my fingers
how i am in-the-making by hand

by pill by needle i am the perfect girl
professor, in fact, Chemical X is my love

in gradients of acidity i am
milkless except by oats, by meal made of itself
Olatunde Osinaike

Cold Open

By Olatunde Osinaike Three stories below,
you’d mosey in, depart
in the same way:
short of our buzz or us
letting you in.
Jonny Teklit

Winter Solstice

By Jonny Teklit Today, the rain comes down in icy fangs. Tomorrow, the same. Nothing here escapes the physics of American violence, not even the weather.
Noʻu Revilla

For Gaza

By Noʻu Revilla We drink this and share the same taste with you.
We mixed the kava in the parking lot, face-to-face with you.

What becomes of children who drink war instead of water?
The rubble, a chronic obituary. I will never waste a name with you.
Miller Oberman


By Miller Oberman Preposition, before location. An indeclinable
word or particle. Indeclinable. That which
cannot be turned aside or shunned. Inevitable,
un-deviating. I practice a kind

of time travel. Bringing beside me
ancestors I never knew existed before,
beneath, under, towards. This travel
unimpacted by time, space or death.
Aliah Lavonne Tigh

Body Under Another’s Tradition

By Aliah Lavonne Tigh Everyone in Anatomy pairs up,
receives a small baby pig.
The scalpel shines like water or a mirror—if you look, you see
yourself: gloved hand pushing a blade to open
the other animal’s chest. Someone drops
a knife, shouts,
Clean it up. This is how we learn to
dissect a body.
Cynthia Manick

Dear Prairie: A Brown Girl Letter

By Cynthia Manick How does it feel to be something man hasn’t touched? Nothing
feeds your shape – how tall you want to aim, the texture from
root to tip, or the colors you choose to shake off like makeup.
It must be nice to have no load bearing walls – nothing to hold
you down or box in all you want to be.
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