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Rigoberto González

In the Village of Missing Sons

By Rigoberto González Rigoberto González performs the poem "In the Village of Missing Sons" at the 2016 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Jan Beatty

The Kindness

By Jan Beatty Jan Beatty performs the poem "The Kindness" at the 2016 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Heather Derr-Smith

Iraqi-Style Fish Shop, Damascus

By Heather Derr-Smith The fish are opened up like salad bowls,
Slid between the metal bars of baskets,
Roasted in the wood-fired ovens, Iraqi style.
The flesh glows as if it were made of glass.
Kyle Dargan

Natural Causes

By Kyle Dargan Naturally, the gun is purchased from a farm in Virginia—pulled from a bushel of barrels
by a tremorous hand, a young man’s. His other fist proffers sweat-wilted dollars. The
farmer, compensated, keeps his gaze down as to remember nothing of the boy’s face.
Abby Minor


By Abby Minor 1. [July 2013 Millheim, Pennsylvania]

This is how you miscarry on purpose, with pills:

this is how you eat a sack of tattered peonies.

With stippled petals in your mouth, this is how
you set the little sunset-
Ross Gay

ode to the puritan in me

By Ross Gay There is a puritan in me
the brim of whose
hat is so sharp
it could cut
your tongue out
Minnie Bruce Pratt

Burning Water

By Minnie Bruce Pratt Minnie Bruce Pratt performs the poem "Burning Water" at the 2012 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Sherwin Bitsui

The Northern Sun

By Sherwin Bitsui Sherwin Bitsui performs the poem "The Northern Sun" at the 2012 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Tim Seibles

One Turn Around the Sun

By Tim Seibles Tim Seibles performs "One Turn Around the Sun" at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Eduardo Corral

In Colorado My Father Scoured and Stacked Dishes

By Eduardo C. Corral Eduardo C. Corral reads "In Colorado My Father Scoured and Stacked Dishes" at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
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