By Lois BeardsleeWhen I asked my mother
If she could remember
What her mother's mother called December
Calling poets to a greater role in public life and fostering a national network of socially engaged poets.
By Lois BeardsleeWhen I asked my mother
If she could remember
What her mother's mother called December
By L. Lamar WilsonShe ambles about this Mickey-Dee kitchen’s din,
unmoved by the hot grease threatening
her ¿puedo tomar su orden? mask.
By Allison Adelle Hedge CokeIn a room facing chimneys
over the place Nancy Morejón rests
between sleeps lining free lines
she whispers to hearing DC:
By Linda HoganWe had been together so very long,
you willing to swim with me
just last month, myself merely small
By Natalie DiazIn the Kashmir mountains,
my brother shot many men,
blew skulls from brown skins,
By Allison Adelle Hedge CokeAmerica, I sing back. Sing back what sung you in.
Sing back the moment you cherished breath.
Sing you home into yourself and back to reaso