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Nicholas Samaras

Anxiety Attack at 27,000 Feet

By Nicholas Samaras What is that red throbbing over the sound of engines?
Why is a distant war still being talked about in the media?
I can't see my home or Iraq or the Middle East
outside this bowed rectangle of blue altitude.
Kamilah Aisha Moon

Dressing Down

By Kamilah Aisha Moon When you're gay in Dixie,
you're a clown of a desperate circus.
Sometimes the only way to be like daddy
David Tomas Martinez

from Forgetting Willie James Jones

By David Tomas Martinez It's not water to wine to swallow harm,
though many of us have,
and changing the name
Pablo Miguel Martínez

azul / lejos

By Pablo Miguel Martinez the math of dance
the math of breath
counting 4 / 4
Elizabeth Acevedo

The Therapist Says to Talk Through Your Door in Case You’re Listening

By Elizabeth Acevedo Rob, my heart is a peeled clementine and I don't wince
anymore when you stick your thumb in the hollow middle,
pull apart. You don't even swallow these pieces
Joy Harjo


By Joy Harjo This city is made of stone, of blood, and fish.
There are Chugatch Mountains to the east
and whale and seal to the west.
Eduardo Corral

All the Trees of the Field Shall Clap Their Hands

By Eduardo C. Corral Are the knees & elbows
the first knots
the dead untie?
Franny Choi


By Franny Choi How'd you get so slice?
Razor pinch all flat-like? All puff
& sting? What's your allergy?
Sheila Black

My Mission is to Surprise and Delight

By Sheila Black Sheila Black reads "My Mission is to Surprise & Delight" at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.

My daughter works in the Apple Store--the Help Center, open 24-7,
people from all fifty states, angry because their iPhones
malfunctioned or they don't know how to program their data
Brenda Cárdenas


By Brenda Cárdenas This body always compost--
hair a plot of thin green stems
snowing a shroud of petals,
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