By Lee SharkeyWhat do you do with an eye in the cup of your hand?
What do you see that you didn't?
What do you make of a sphere of jelly with fins of torn muscle?
Calling poets to a greater role in public life and fostering a national network of socially engaged poets.
By Lee SharkeyWhat do you do with an eye in the cup of your hand?
What do you see that you didn't?
What do you make of a sphere of jelly with fins of torn muscle?
By Lita HooperFrederick Lake has been to prison
finished his time
convicted in 1989
By Joseph RossIf you leave your shoes
on the front porch
when you run
By Ocean VuongMy grandmother kisses
as if bombs are bursting in the backyard,
where mint and jasmine lace their perfumes
By Melisa Cahnmann-TaylorBionic Feeding Woman
whips breasts out, sprays
privacy netting over him
By John MurilloFor me, the movie starts with a black man
Leaping into an orbit of badges, tiny moons
By Dan VeraThurgood whispers in Sonia's ears
You know they said the same things about me?
Master two languages, graduate at the top
By Andrea GibsonThis is for the possibility that guides us
and for the possibilities still waiting to sing
and spread their wings inside us
By Jeffrey McDanielOn the red-eye from Seattle, a two-year-old
in the seat behind me screeches
his miniature guts out.
By Martha Collinsnot as in pin, the kind that keeps the wheels
turning, and not the strip of land that marks
the border between two fields. unrelated