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Alicia Ostriker


By Alicia Ostriker Just finished folding laundry. There's the news. A slender prisoner, ankles shackled, nude back and legs striped by a brown substance you might take for blood but which probably is feces, hair long, arms extended at shoulder level like a dancer or like Jesus, walks toward a soldier with rolled-up pants and a gun, posed legs akimbo in the tiled corridor. I cannot say from the image if the soldier is smiling, too few pixels to tell.
Bonnie Naradzay

Hanover County Jail, Commonwealth of Virginia

By Bonnie Naradzay Lunch today for the inmates means white bread
and a slice of baloney. Dinner is more of the same.
The limit now - two meals a day to stay in budget.
Scott Hightower

Rubber Dollie

By Scott Hightower Like a dancer covered in nothing
but white powder, then sponged
with coarse brown makeup;
Reginald Harris


By Reginald Harris walk long enough
with a pebble in your shoe
and walking with a pebble becomes
Kim Jensen

And Even George W. is out of a Job

By Kim Jensen You know the economy's bad
when people are lined up around the block
to apply for the job
of the wicked witch.
Alan King


By Alan King The president of pride's been overthrown
by a coup.
The president of humility shakes his head.
Persis M. Karim

Other Mothers

By Persis M. Karim Their sons who speak of a cause
As if it were their two feet
beneath them. That they could hold an idea
Margit Berman

The Day Obama Decided

By Margit Berman The day Obama decided enough was enough
and turned off his TV and slept well for the first time since 2007,
and Nancy Pelosi decided enough was enough
Dan Wilcox

Chatham Peace Vigil

By Dan Wilcox The lunch counter TV is busy.
My sandwich is slow, but
sitting feels good after standing
Rashida James-Saadiya

Rain Dance

By Rashida James-Saadiya we scatter
dodge words that rip into flesh
hide from clenched fist
Page 76 of 84 pages