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Anne Waldman

from Manatee/Humanity

By Anne Waldman the aquarium deserted now,
this is the song at dusk I write in the notebook:
strange skin
Tess Taylor

Eighteenth Century Remains

By Tess Taylor The ridge a half mile down from Monticello.
A pit cut deeper than the plow line.
Archaeologists plot the dig by scanning
celeste doaks

Single Twin Band Crush

By celeste doaks Aaron and Anita, the first real twins I ever personally knew,
drum majored our ragged band in high school called--
the Marching LaSalle Lions. Anita was the outgoing,
Natalie Diaz

Why I Don’t Mention Flowers When Conversations with My Brother Reach Uncomfortable Silences

By Natalie Diaz In the Kashmir mountains,
my brother shot many men,
blew skulls from brown skins,
Wang Ping

Tsunami Chant

By Wang Ping I'm not a singer, but please
let me sing of the peacemakers
on the streets and internet, your candles
Dunya Mikhail

from part one of Diary of a Wave Outside the Sea

By Dunya Mikhail Through your eye
history enters
and punctured helmets pour out.
Daniel Nathan Terry

The 8th of May: A Vow

By Daniel Nathan Terry There are oaks that remember
what we would forget--the burn of the rope,
how a body takes on more weight
Yusef Komunyakaa


By Yusef Komunyakaa Thanks for the tree
between me & a sniper's bullet.
I don't know what made the grass
Derrick Weston Brown


By Derrick Weston Brown Your brown skin is not a bomb.
Your brown skin does not mean bomb.
Though they doctor pictures.
Naomi Ayala

No. 13, for Remembering

By Naomi Ayala Two blocks away
where yellow cabs
zip by without stopping
Page 63 of 84 pages