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Caridad Moro-Gronlier

Abuela Warns Me a Caravan Of “Esa Gente” Is Headed Our Way

By Caridad Moro-Gronlier if i should
take you
to that spot
by the water
you can’t pronounce
but love
Arianna Monet

Alternate universe in which my professor asks if anyone in the room….

By Arianna Monet I say Well, it is a compound word, so..

Code. Noun.
A system of marking things with different colors
as a means of identification.
Siaara Freeman

The Such Thing As the Ridiculous Question –

By Siaara Freeman When I say ancestors, let’s be clear:
I mean slaves. I’m talkin’ Tennessee
cotton & Louisiana suga. I mean grave dirt.
Cintia Santana

For My Cousin Manny Who Died in Prison

By Cintia Santana inside
a cell
a heart

(my cousin’s)

his heart
a cell)
a cluster
of cells

Aurora Levins Morales


By Aurora Levins Morales Why do they call us "the patient"
We are not patient. We endure.
Adela Najarro

Juanita Falls into Transformative Nouns

By Adela Najarro I have learned to speak dementia
by looking straight into her eyes
smiling, laughing, then digging deep
Eugenia Leigh

One Year After My Dying Father and I Stop Speaking to Each Other Again

By Eugenia Leigh Someone on the internet is mourning
her dad—that old goat—with a goldmine

of anecdotes. Scraps of fondness I scrape off
her tweet—his beef wellington, her frogs. I want
Allison Adelle Hedge Coke

Education (excerpt from “Look at This Blue”)

By Allison Adelle Hedge Coke Your arm was twisted, bone exposed
face past point of wet stained,
fledgling fell there
Joselia Rebekah Hughes

All The Kids With Rhythm Bang on Metal Locker Doors At Lunchtime

By Joselia Rebekah Hughes Black able rack able
hack able tack able
lack able slack able
Liv Mammone

On the Subway for the First Time

By Liv Mammone The train is a creature that moves like water.
It has no eyes, only a sharp
mouth that closes on those too slow.
Page 12 of 84 pages