Added: Friday, November 4, 2022 / Used with permission. Previously published in "The Relativity of Living Well" (The Operating System, 2022).
Photo by Nicholas Tong.
Ashna Ali is a queer, disabled, and diasporic Bangladeshi poet raised in Italy and based in Brooklyn. They are the author of the chapbook The Relativity of Living Well (The Operating System, 2022) and hold a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Their poems have appeared or are forthcoming from Indiana Review, Sundog Lit, Nat. Brut., Zoeglossia, and Kajal Mag, among other journals. For more information visit their website.
Image Description:A headshot of Ashna Ali, which is close up and shows their head and torso at a slight angle to the left. They have brown skin and short hair. They are wearing a sleeveless purple turtleneck and smiling slightly at the camera.