Let there be drums and harps,
piccolos and flutes, violins,
banjos and guitars.
Let there be hands clapping,
joyous voices, glad steps
open arms, open hearts.
Let us be like Amos proclaiming trouble
for those who turn justice into wormwood.
Let us tend sycamores and gather herbs.
Let no guns enter.
Let there be light.
Let us be the light.
In the name of the creator
In the names of all the prophets
let us pray
make peace.
Added: Monday, July 7, 2014 / Used with permission.
Photo by Shepherd Express.
Margaret Rozga’s four books of poetry are Pestiferous Questions, Justice Freedom Herbs, Though I Haven’t Been to Baghdad, and 200 Nights and One Day. She has held a creative fellowship at the American Antiquarian Society and been a resident at Ragdale and the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology. She serves as a consultant with arts non-profits in Milwaukee and writes a monthly op-ed for Milwaukee Neighborhood News.