Jennifer Maritza McCauley is a Gus T. Ridgel Fellow and PhD candidate in creative writing at the University of Missouri, as well as Contest Editor at The Missouri Review, an associate editor of Origins Literary Magazine, a book reviews editor at Fjords Review and a fiction editor at Sliver of Stone. Her most recent work appears or is forthcoming in Puerto del Sol, New Delta Review, Feminist Wire and Literary Orphans among other outlets.
- Categories:
- Text
- Criminal Justice
- Death/Grief
- Education Formal / Informal
- History
- Hope
- Police Brutality / Profiling
- Race / Ethnicity / Racism
- Social Movements / Resistance
- Violence
- War & Peace
- Ethnicity / Race
- Black / African American
- Latina / Latino / Latinx
- Gender Identity
- Woman
- Midwestern US
- Missouri