Added: Friday, April 21, 2023 / Used with permission.
Photo by Justin Lamar Carter.
Candice Iloh is a first-generation Nigerian American writer from the Midwest by way of Washington, D.C. and Brooklyn, New York whose books center home, self-awareness, and Black sustainability. They are a proud alumna of the Rhode Island Writers Colony and their work has earned fellowships from Lambda Literary, VONA, Kimbilio Fiction and a residency with Hi-ARTS, where they debuted their first one-person show in 2018. Candice became a 2020 National Book Award Finalist, and in 2021, a Printz Award Honoree for their debut novel, Every Body Looking. Break This House is their second novel. This is an excerpt of their third novel, Salt the Water, forthcoming October 2023.
Image Description: Candice Iloh appears in black and white and faces slightly to the left with one hand cupped under their chin. They wear a silver ring, a tall cap with a fade haircut, and a leather jacket. Their skin and clothing are different shades of black.