By Lauren May & Asha GardnerThis poem is in video format.
Calling poets to a greater role in public life and fostering a national network of socially engaged poets.
By Joseph RossHammering on rocks
can break the hammerer's back
when stooped
By Truth ThomasShayna reads the Word and takes
the story of that first miracle as
serious as unpaid electric bills in
By Lisa L. MooreWord got out about the bad bill.
College students packed up their bikinis,
went back to Austin to tell those men why
By Theresa Davishoney
you are not being judged
because your bones decided
By Dan VeraThis is what is feared:
that flags do not nourish the blood,
that history is not glorious or truthful.
By Jericho BrownThey said to say goodnight
And not goodbye, unplugged
The TV when it rained. They hid
By Remica L. BinghamThe weight of my parents,
the dawn of them;
my grandmother's lackluster
By Beth CopelandWhat do the howling hounds hear that we can't?
The moon sharpens its sword on the Earth's stone.
Palm trees on the shores of the Tigris stand sentinel,
By Gowri Koneswaranwe're taught to hold hands
when we cross the street
or walk with our mothers in parking lots or