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José Angel Araguz

Every S In This Poem is Telling On Me

By José Angel Araguz I knew nothing about poems
when I was introduced to
the woman selling seashells by
the seashore. Placed in a
remedial speech class, told
my S’s served no one,
I felt set aside in
the silence of clear hallways

where I walked slow, savoring
not being where I belonged.
Taylor Alyson Lewis

milk river

By Taylor Alyson Lewis there once was an island love or magic resurrected
where they could go to rest and look at
each other plainly and hold one another’s
hands and play music in their cars so that
the bass reverberated through the mountains
and down into the ocean and live.
Jasmine Reid

Princess Powerpuff / Chemical X

By Jasmine Reid i spread at my touch & clit
contemplating my beauty this Monday i live

the pleasure of my fingers
how i am in-the-making by hand

by pill by needle i am the perfect girl
professor, in fact, Chemical X is my love

in gradients of acidity i am
milkless except by oats, by meal made of itself
Gauri Awasthi

Back Home

By Gauri Awasthi my friend is dying of an invisible darkness
it’s either depression or loneliness or plain facts:
a) Her cancer-smitten grandpa wants her to marry
b) We think she’s queer, but she can’t be sure
c) She has only two reasons to live and one of them
happens to be me.
Miller Oberman


By Miller Oberman Preposition, before location. An indeclinable
word or particle. Indeclinable. That which
cannot be turned aside or shunned. Inevitable,
un-deviating. I practice a kind

of time travel. Bringing beside me
ancestors I never knew existed before,
beneath, under, towards. This travel
unimpacted by time, space or death.
Tuhin Das

New Exile Poems

By Tuhin Das 1.
I am a writer,
the light burns late
into the night in my room.
Ladan Osman


By Ladan Osman I enter: carpet, curtains,
large, framed pictures of robed white men,
a glassy glare over a forehead, below the voice box,
students in bland shades.
I don’t belong, the luxury of thinking,
the wealth of talking about thought,
privilege of ease among important people.
Hazem Fahmy

The Committed

By Hazem Fahmy When I say “a Free Palestine in our lifetime” I mean it
is your moral duty to believe the last shekel has already been printed,
its destiny a glass frame in a museum next to a dollar,
Cynthia Manick

Dear Prairie: A Brown Girl Letter

By Cynthia Manick How does it feel to be something man hasn’t touched? Nothing
feeds your shape – how tall you want to aim, the texture from
root to tip, or the colors you choose to shake off like makeup.
It must be nice to have no load bearing walls – nothing to hold
you down or box in all you want to be.
Sham-e-Ali Nayeem

Raath Ki Rani

By Sham-e-Ali Nayeem The other night I sensed her
fragrance makes presence
known before witness.

Heard faint flowers
unseen anklets worn by
ghosts of Hyderabadi streets.
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