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Kathleen O’Toole

Halim, waiting

By Kathleen O'Toole He arrived first as a student of geology
in the bicentennial year.
He witnessed
Judith Arcana

Can Safety Matches Make Us Safe?

By Judith Arcana You read the tiny cardboard book before
you scratch the strip under Augie's New Pizza
on the back of MIA:We still don't know
Penelope Scambly Schott

At the Demonstration

By Penelope Scambly Schott Back when I used to march
in the noon of the green world,
I sang like a crow.
Nahshon Cook

From a Conversation-Hour Discussion About Intolerance with Adult English Students

By Nahshon Cook Then he explained
how the Buddha
instructed us
to reflect on the body
Deema K. Shehabi

Migrant Earth

By Deema K. Shehabi I could tell you that listening is made for the ashen sky,
and instead of the muezzin's voice, which lingers
like weeping at dawn,
Elliott batTzedek

Sunday Afternoon as Oil Pours into the Gulf

By Elliott batTzedek Across a small suburban lawn
a very large man is riding
a very large tractor mower
Ching-In Chen

American Syntax

By Ching-In Chen The teacher straightbacked,
faced me off, her eyes.
My face in the cleave of
her shoulder, my bones
Alan King


By Alan King The president of pride's been overthrown
by a coup.
The president of humility shakes his head.
Rashida James-Saadiya

Rain Dance

By Rashida James-Saadiya we scatter
dodge words that rip into flesh
hide from clenched fist
Rich Villar

Always Here

By Rich Villar lacking a proper entrance
into a poem
about Arizona Senate Bill 1070
Page 33 of 36 pages