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Ellen McGrath Smith

Spelling Down

By Ellen McGrath Smith I wanted bad to advance to Washington, D. C.
I wanted to be anyone but me.
The nun who had trained me for the spelling bee
needed a ride, and I was so worried all the way across town
Martín Espada


By Martín Espada Martín Espada performs the poem "Alabanza" at the 2010 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Kim Roberts

The International Fruit of Welcome

By Kim Roberts Kim Roberts performs the poem "The International Fruit of Welcome" at the 2012 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Marilyn Nelson

Millie Christine

By Marilyn Nelson Marilyn Nelson performs the poem "Millie Christine" at the 2012 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Myra Sklarew


By Myra Sklarew Myra Sklarew reads "Exchange" at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Eduardo Corral

In Colorado My Father Scoured and Stacked Dishes

By Eduardo C. Corral Eduardo C. Corral reads "In Colorado My Father Scoured and Stacked Dishes" at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival.
Joy Harjo

In a World Long Before This One

By Joy Harjo Joy Harjo performs at the 2014 Split This Rock Poetry Festival. Harjo opens her performance with an honor song, followed by the poem, "In a World Long Before This One."
Aracelis Girmay


By Aracelis Girmay When the boys are carnivals
we gather round them in the dark room
& they make their noise while drums
ricochet against their bodies & thin air
Paul Tran

I Want

By Paul Tran TO SAY IT PLAIN. He comes inside
without a sound. I shut the door

I should have never opened. My body
flips over on the bed like a coin
Aaron Kreuter

Paddling the Nickel Tailings Near Sudbury

By Aaron Kreuter We put in at the edge of the tailings pond,
our canoe loaded with gear and food
to take us on the four-day loop trip,
our nylon tent and stainless steel pots.
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