River, Page
By Teresa ScollonLook how you've carried these small bodies
across the ocean, looking for the next one
to hear the story. Look how gently you laid
these children down at the fire where stories are told.
Calling poets to a greater role in public life and fostering a national network of socially engaged poets.
By Teresa ScollonLook how you've carried these small bodies
across the ocean, looking for the next one
to hear the story. Look how gently you laid
these children down at the fire where stories are told.
By Brenda CárdenasThis body always compost--
hair a plot of thin green stems
snowing a shroud of petals,
By Danez Smithone is hard & the other tried to be
one is fast & the other was faster
one is loud & one is a song
By Dunya MikhailThrough your eye
history enters
and punctured helmets pour out.
By Michelle Regalado DeatrickWhen I sweat in a Midwest January
and wish to God it was a hot flash but know
it's greenhouse gasses--read the news:
By Patricia MonaghanThey were always taught that all guns were loaded.
It was a way, he said, to keep them safe.
Don't you notice, he said, how people get shot
By Philip MetresHow a Basra librarian
could haul the books each night,
load by load, into her car,
By Emily K. BrightIt is nearly midnight and I'm
scrubbing at the grout.
The dishes, washed,
By Patricia MonaghanJust past dawn in early fall,
a sparrow screamed at me
as I walked into the woods.
By Margaret RozgaLet there be drums and harps,
piccolos and flutes, violins,
banjos and guitars.