heidi andrea restrepo rhodes is a queer, Colombian/Latinx poet and scholar from California. Her first poetry collection, The Inheritance of Haunting (University of Notre Dame Press, 2019), was selected by Ada Limón for the 2018 Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize. The collection is a meditation on inter-generational and collective inheritances of historical memory and post-colonial trauma, the responses they elicit, the forms of refusal, life, and love, that emerge in their wake. Her poetry can also be found in journals such as the Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, Raspa, and Nat.Brut. A doctoral candidate in Political Theory at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), she currently lives in Brooklyn.
- Categories:
- Text
- Civic Participation
- Community
- Creativity / Imagination / Writing
- Death/Grief
- Hope
- Love
- Parenting
- Police Brutality / Profiling
- Race / Ethnicity / Racism
- Social Movements / Resistance
- Violence
- Disability
- Ethnicity / Race
- Latina / Latino / Latinx
- Sexual Orientation
- Queer
- Gender Identity
- Genderqueer
- Northeastern US
- New York