María Luisa Arroyo was born in Manatí, Puetro Rice and raised in Springfield, Massachusetts. Her educational journey as a first-generation college student included studying German, her third language, at Colby (BA), Tufts (MA), and Harvard (ABD); earning an MFA in poetry; and traveling to twelve countries, including Iran for a summer where she activated her self taught Farsi. A Massachusetts Cultural Council Poetry Fellow and NEPR Arts & Humanities Award recipient, María Luisa has facilitated many workshops on multicultral poetry, ekphrastic witing, and the ghazal. Calyx: A Journey of Art and Literature by Women and Women Arts Quarterly Review are among the many journels in which her poems appear. María Luisa Arroyo's books include Gathering Words: Recogiendo Palabras (Bilingual Review Press, 2008), and chapbooks Flight (Thousand Hands Press, 2016) and Destierro Means More than Exile (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018).